Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Super Birthday Weekend!

Okay, so I found some time today to upload, edit and laugh at the pictures from my party on the weekend. There was a whopping 430ish pictures taken on the night, my thanks to Grant and Mum who took most of them!

Now it wasn't really my birthday (mine isn't until mid June) but my sister and I had agreed to have a combined 21st & 30th party and she was going to Bali in June so we had it early. It was still kind of weird everyone wishing me a happy birthday so early.

I culled the pictures down to my most favourites, but there is still quite a few so be warned! I also have some other pictures from the weekend, but I'll save them for another post. Anyways, here we go!

It was the best party ever! Mum and Dad did such a good job organising it and everyone really got into the costume theme which was super fantastic. I was a bumble bee, Brooke was a pink flamingo and my parents were the Scottish couple. Grant was an old man (he had a walking stick and slippers on) and Brooke's boyfriend was Popeye. Nan was a bunch of green grapes, and her costume inflated and deflated all through the night. Fantastic!

Towards the end of the night there was a lot of dancing, costume hat swapping, jumping photos and a conga line or two. It was such a fun night! 

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