Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Loving: The promise of spring in the air. The days are getting longer and there is a definite warmth in the air which is fantastic. I'm by far a winter girl but something about the start of spring is making me happy these days. Once it warms up a bit more it will be so much nicer in my house without the constant chill. 

Reading: Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult. There is something about the way she writes that always sucks me in and I know once I get to a certain part I just have to finish it! I bought this book for my sister and it has finally gotten back to me for my turn to read it. I have loved all of her previous books and read them all so quickly. 

Watching: Reruns of my favourite movies and I have just started the Breaking Bad series. I am not really interested with what is on tv at the moment and I am finding myself with it on less these days, instead spending my time after work either on my computer or seeing friends. 

Thinking about: Going on holidays! Spending all my days surrounded my so many travel options is giving me way to many ideas of places I could travel. At the moment I am only restricted by how much leave I have at work (which isn't much). 

Making me happy: Life has been so busy in the past few months, and I haven't had a chance to visit home for awhile. My sister is coming down this weekend for some much anticipated catching up and I can't wait! Not to mention I have been rostered a 3 day weekend so I can have an extra day off. 


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