Thursday, March 24, 2011

Friday, the start of my weekend!

Fridays are the start of my weekend. And they are awesome! I love the first sleep in after getting up early all week. I got so much stuff done today as well, which is even better. Just over 5 hours of uni work done, clothes washed and dog played with. I also finished off the borders of the patchwork cushion cover that I have been working on. So now it looks like this!

You can see what it used to look like here.

I know the edges aren't all straight, and some of them don't meet up, but I made it intentionally bigger so it wont look like that when it's finished! Now I have to get some batting so then I can try and quilt it up.

Now I can spend the rest of the day working on a custom order bag for my sister! I am up to the hand sewing  part so I can sit out in the sunniest room of the house and work on it. It's my favourite part  =)

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