Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Bags in the Shop.

I have been working on these two bags for a few days. They turned out so pretty! I especially love the red heart/yellow background fabric. Pop over and check them out in the shop here

In other news I finished one of my reports for uni, yay! Which means that there is one less stress to worry about for the next week and a half. I still have another two assessments to complete in the next two weeks, and if I can remember correctly, maybe three more before Easter break? It just seems like its never ending!

Onto a prettier side of things, the rose bushes at our house are in full bloom! I'm no expert, but the colours are a combination of white, pink and white/pink. I picked some and put them into a vase in my studio room. I hope they last a while, they are so pretty to look at! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Little bit of Autumn Inspiration.

Oh so pretty! =)

Autumn is my second favourite season...
after winter that is!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Custom Bag Finished.

Custom bag for my sister (Brooke) finished today. I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I hope she likes it! 

Now that order is done, I can work on some more bags for the shop! 



It's already Sunday night, which means I only have one day before I start the uni week. Gah.

I know I shouldn't complain, considering I am only actually in class Tuesday-Thursdays which is a pretty awesome timetable. But I do a lot of work outside of class, and it seems to have eaten up my weekend!

Saturday was spent hanging out with my brother who drove 2 hours south to visit me and another of his friends in Newcastle. We went to a second hand bookshop, antique furniture shopping and then out to lunch, and it was soo yummy. By then most of the other op shops had closed for the afternoon! =(

Then I spent today working on a silly construction report that I am hoping to finish in the next few days so I can start another report that is due in a few weeks. On the upside I did get to do some hand sewing on my sister's custom bag, its almost finished! Just another hour or so tomorrow and it should be done. Then I can work on adding some more bags to the shop! (Around uni work that is.)

The weather is getting very nice, the afternoons are starting to get a bit chilly. Bring on winter! I can't wait for it to get cold, I'm so excited to wear my new hat that I bought a few weeks ago. 

So cute!

I bought it at this awesome shop

I love it so much! =) 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Friday, the start of my weekend!

Fridays are the start of my weekend. And they are awesome! I love the first sleep in after getting up early all week. I got so much stuff done today as well, which is even better. Just over 5 hours of uni work done, clothes washed and dog played with. I also finished off the borders of the patchwork cushion cover that I have been working on. So now it looks like this!

You can see what it used to look like here.

I know the edges aren't all straight, and some of them don't meet up, but I made it intentionally bigger so it wont look like that when it's finished! Now I have to get some batting so then I can try and quilt it up.

Now I can spend the rest of the day working on a custom order bag for my sister! I am up to the hand sewing  part so I can sit out in the sunniest room of the house and work on it. It's my favourite part  =)

I guess its Blogging time!

As the title suggests, I guess it is blogging time! Truthfully, I have had a blog before but that was during my oh god awful teenage years when I gave everyone fake names and pretended how awesome I was.

But now I have finally deleted that blog (after it sat in the Internet for almost 5 years) and I guess it's time to start a new one. (I would have said I'm ready to start a new one, but I don't think I will ever be ready, so I'd better just do it.) That has become my unofficial motto for this year 'just do it'. 

Things I have 'just done' this year include opening my Etsy Shop, something I had been dreaming about for months but never thought I would actually do, a whole bunch of fiddly craft projects that I have finally done and starting this blog. So I guess that is where I'm at right now. I hope to just do many other things this year, but more about that later.

I wanted to put a picture in, but I don't have a good one with my new hair colour! So I'll just put this drawing in that my friend Rochelle did. (I'm the one on the left!) 

But I will have to introduce myself I guess. That many words in and I haven't said hello! 

Well...hello! I'm Bianca. I'm 20 and an architecture student. I enjoy many things, crafting, sewing, photography, designing, eating ice cream, gardening, growing vegetables, spending time with my family, playing with dogs, eating, op shopping, doing yoga, spending time on the Internet, decorating my house, buying things to decorate my house, being a student, tea, tea, tea, lots of tea! Don't think that is the end of the list either!

I love reading blogs, and do so every day. I find it inspires me and makes me feel connected to other people that share my interests. So I'm hoping that's what I'll achieve here?

But it could all just end in tears. You never know. 
