Monday, November 12, 2012

Life Lately..

Life lately has been very, very busy. There have been some ups and a few downs. One big down was the funeral of Matt's grandfather, who I had only know for some months but who was an incredible man who I quite enjoyed the company of. It only takes moments like this to realise what is really important and what you actually need to live a happy and healthy life. 

Another up has been Alfie. It's nice to have a little companion who follows you around and is always up for a play when you are ready. He is a growing boy who so far has been responding well to training. I have really enjoyed my three days of being with him straight, without having to leave him while I go to work. What I really didn't expect is that a puppy is quite similar to a baby and I am really missing my sleep!

I hope to be blogging more regularly again soon, maybe with some more photos to share. 


Friday, November 2, 2012

Inspiration Friday

Oh Deer by SevenOlives

Tiny felted schnauzer by HandmadeByNovember

Kitchen print by DexMex

Schnauzer silhouette pillow by ThePillowChicks

Green and white desert terrarium by dachshundinthedesert

Happy Friday!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Weekend Photos

1. A very nice sunset from my driveway

2. Some sort of strawberry drink in a can

3. Alfie exploring in the garden

4. Homemade pizza's, idea courtesy of Matt.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Inspiration Friday

Life is beautiful by hairbrainedschemes

Comic Necklace by SofiaSobeideJewelry

Bed Head Bird Art by amberalexander

Crochet flower garland by emmalamb

Mr Fox and Coffee by lukaluka

Happy Friday!!!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Guess what....

...and Alfie makes three! 

This little bundle of fluff joined the family late on Thursday night. Since then, not much has happened after I finish work as I have a little shadow that follows me everywhere. He is incredibly affectionate and cuddly and loves to nap in all sorts of weird positions. 

He is the main reason I haven't had a chance to update my blog for a few days, not to mention work has been fairly full on so all I do when I come home is chill with Alfie and eat dinner. I imagine he is going to be a great companion, he is already so spoilt and everyone that has met him has thought he was so cute! 


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weekend Photos

A lovely weekend visiting family and animals on the farm. Plenty of sunshine and great weather. My second ever work function, what a blast! A long drive back to Newcastle. 


Friday, October 12, 2012

Inspiration Friday

Target Practice by hillarybird

How strange it is... banner necklace by rareindeed

Get out there art print by PocketCarnival

Scandinavian Softie by Janefoster

Ruched camera strap by bluebirdchic

Happy Friday!! 


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A quick DIY...

I had some spare printed paper lying around and decided to make some more paper cranes to liven up the corner of my sewing space. I made eight in total and strung them with some cotton thread from a piece of twine. I love that the move around in the breeze and I might even make some more to add to it. I used this tutorial to make my paper cranes, easy peasy! 


Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekend Photos

1. New DIY

2. Playing dress ups on my model  

3. There is some new landscaping going on around my house

4. The backyard also got a fence and some turf

5. Posting out an order

6. Spending some downtime painting

7. My stickygram magnets arrived awhile ago but I found this note again

8. I made myself some Chinese the other night. 


Friday, October 5, 2012

Inspiration Friday

Balloon Porcelain plate by ZuppaAtelier

Pointy leaf earrings by violetbella

Mountain print by CathyMcMurray

Crochet heart set of two by AllSoCute

Watercolour print by JessicaIllustration

Happy Friday!!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Everyday Mae progress

Slowly but surely I have been making some progress with sewing for Everyday Mae. I have been spurred along by the recent purchases in my shop, I feel it is rather empty now and I am trying to get into action to get some new stock in.

I have recently bought a stack of new fabrics and I spent my public holiday working on some new bags. I also have many half finished and waiting for some more spare time to finish them off. I am hoping to have some done to add to the shop on the weekend. 


Monday, October 1, 2012

Weekend Photos

-Yummy cupcakes at the engagement party

-Where is his body gone?

-Moved the art into a different position

-My new lounge all decorated

-I am so excited to see these guys at Harvest Festival

-I spent some time on Tumblr for the first time in ages


Friday, September 28, 2012

Inspiration Friday

Bonjour Bear by Margin

Red Knitted hat by KnittingWonders

Cake Pops by occasionalsweets

Vintage birdcage print by finedaypress

Petite giraffe pet costume by hatz4brats

Happy Friday!! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weekend Photos

I finally charged my DSLR and took some photos over the weekend. It was a great weekend too, the sun was shining and the weather was lovely and warm.  

I spent some time sewing, more time then I actually anticipated. I managed to finish the above bunny that I started a week or so ago. I embroidered his face by hand and I'm happy the way he turned out!

I also started and finished a new dress in some fabric that I have had for awhile in a lovely blue pattern. Some new fabric might have made it's way into my collection (!) I'm still undecided as to what I am going to make with them.

My new print from Yellena James finally found a space in my bedroom also. I have had it for a month or so now but I couldn't find a great spot for it. I'm so glad I bought it, but now I have since hung the clipboard on my wall. 


Friday, September 21, 2012

Inspiration Friday

Colourful Retro Wall Clock by Shannybeebo

Handmade leather ballet flats by BaliELF

Red Lace Teapot by Dprintsclayful

Edie Fawn print by tinyfawn

Dancing Dress by SLCSLC

Happy Friday!!
